Blog Number 5. September. A new season.
I was pleased to get back into my little studio and organise myself for the wonderful Wirksworth Festival as well as finish off a couple of paintings. I always like to take some new work with me

I felt so blessed and a little emotional to be back on the Wirksworth Art Trail again as an exhibiting artist; it was a real milestone for me. I had a mixture of emotions, gratitude for weathering the storms of the past and a feeling of getting back to the life I once had before Dave’s diagnosis in 2011. Through the joy and nostalgia also came nerves about returning after all this time, now showing paintings and not ceramics. My nervousness was unfounded and soon wore off as everyone was so lovely and complimentary about my new work. I had an amazing weekend. I met many wonderful people and even caught up with some old uni friends. As always it was great fun and such a fantastic event.
Many thanks to my marvellous hosts Wes and Mark for making me so welcome in their fantastic venue. Treeves house is a perfect location. Situated in the centre of Wirksworth on Coldwell St and named after its most famous resident Sir Frederick Treeves, pioneering Royal Surgeon to King Edward Vll and physician and guardian angel of the so-called Elephant Man, John Merrick. As you can see from the images above it is a stunning venue; spacious and airy with wonderful light and beautiful energy. Having it’s own picture hanging system was just perfect, facilitating super easy setting up and taking down of my work.J
I would like to thank everyone involved for making it possible, especially all the generous and hospitable hosts for welcoming we artists and makers into their homes. Wirksworth really is such a special place and this a fabulous event. Many thanks to all the wonderful public who, through their patronage and support, allow the Art Trail to continue. Thank you to everyone who came out of their way to support the event and to those who connected with me and my art. I really appreciate your positive feedback and the lovely comments in my little book; I will treasure them. Thank you also to my lovely friends and work colleagues for taking time to come and see and support me and a massive thanks to everyone who bought my work. I am so grateful to you for supporting artists and small businesses and enabling me to buy more paints and pay for more events.